Pure drinking water for NZ workplaces
No-refills vs plastic bottles
Author: Viverra Risus
The self-filling Way to Pure Water
For your business and the environment- it's a no-brainer!
Alpine Fresh Self-filling water coolers are directly plumbed into your own tap water supply, from which we filter and purify, cool, and deliver non-stop without the need for refill deliveries.
Our refrigerant has been specially chosen for its eco-friendly properties and we have used a unique valve-assembly for fail-safe use in the work environment.
Once it is installed, the water cooler needs little maintenance, no staff input, and will provide pure water trouble-free for years.
Cost-wise it makes sense too with a plan that has no hidden surprises, no extras
Bottled water uses more energy
By refusing to use a service that supplies bottled water you are already reducing the carbon footprint of your business – it makes sense when you consider how much more energy is required in the manufacture, distribution, and disposal of bottled water compared to using water from the tap.
The smaller single-use bottles can take more than 450 years to break down and only a fraction of them are recycled, creating a huge impact on the environment.
For many years, the refill bottle water cooler was the only model available, and in fact it revolutionised the way we consumed water that was of questionable quality.
Those big water bottles paved the way for the arrival of those prolific smaller individual-serve plastic bottles which also turn up in many workplaces as an alternative to bad-tasting unfiltered tap water.
Today businesses have become more responsible – the need to provide staff with high quality drinking water has to be combined with the need to reduce waste produced and energy used.
At Alpine Fresh we believe we have the solution to keep both staff happy and healthy and reduce the impact on the environment.
Consider these bottled water facts
- Delivery Kilometres
- Bottle Cleaning systems
- Bottle Disposal
- Office Downtime